
Hi I'm Andrian
I build web apps

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Get to know me

Hi there 👋, my name is Andrian Lysander, and I'm a full stack developer based in Indonesia.
Since 2021, I've been building applications and websites that help businesses and individuals achieve their goals. From simple landing pages to complex web applications, I've worked on a variety of projects that have allowed me to hone my skills in programming, design, and project management.
As a full stack developer, I'm comfortable working with both front-end and back-end technologies. Some of my favorite tools include React, Typescript, Nextjs, Prisma, Tailwind and Postgresql . I also enjoy learning about new technologies and experimenting with different programming languages to stay up-to-date with the latest trends.
When I'm not coding, you can usually find me exploring the outdoors, playing video games, or spending time with my family and friends.
If you're interested in working together or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to me. I'm always looking for new and exciting projects to work on, and I'd love to hear from you!

Here are some of my projects

Twitter clone

Next jsReact jsTailwind csstRPCPrismaTypescript

a full stack Twitter-like app built using t3 stack, which is now fully operational and includes nearly all necessary features. The primary goal behind creating this imitation is to discover the capabilities of the t3 stack and its potential.

Pinterest clone

Next jsReact jsTailwind cssGraphqlPrismaTypescriptNexus

a full stack Pinterest-like app built with Graphql and Typescript.

Youtube clone

Next jsReact jsTailwind cssPrismaTypescript

a full stack Youtube-like app built with Next js and Typescript, the purpose of this project is to hone my skills in Next js.

Ani warudo

Next jsReact jsTailwind cssPrismaTypescriptjikan API

a full stack anime search app inspired by myanimelist built using next js.

Game store

Next jsReact jsTailwind cssPrismaRAWG APITypescripttRPCFramer motion

beautifully built game store app using next js and trpc

Spotify clone

Next jsReact jsTailwind cssSpotify APITypescript

A spotify clone app built using next js and typescript

Movie app

Next jsReact jsTailwind cssTMDB APITypescript

a movie app built using next js and typescript


Next jsReact jsTailwind cssStepzenGraphqlSupabaseTypescript

a forum app inspired by reddit app built with next js, supabase and graphql